Partition - Discrete dimension example (along a column )

I have a file-based dataset(csv format).I want to partition this dataset based on value a a column (there are 5 values of the column (0,1,2,3,4)
I followed the tutorial but cannot paritiion it.
My column name is 'partition'.And I clicked on "add decrete dimension".Then I fill "partition" in to the box and it generate the pattern "%{partition}/.*"
But then I clicked "list partitions" button. it shows me "
Detected 0 partitions
Found 1 unmatched file:
- /out-s0.csv
Anyone can help me?
Best Answer
Your dataset is not yet partitioned. You need to rebuild it to see the generated partitions.
To generate this partitioned dataset the parent recipe should be a sync (Configuration tab) or a prepare recipe (Advanced tab) with the redispatch partitioning activated.Matt
sorry I don't see "redispatch partitioning according to input columns" in my advanced tab, what could be the reason? My seeting told me " No settings required".
To see it, you need to have the output dataset of the recipe partitioned.
I added a picture on the main answer. -
Sorry I might ask some stupid questions but the picture you show me is different from my dataiku .
In my sync recipe-> advanced->settings there is no checkbox for "redispatch partitioning according to input columns". I really want to attach my screenshot here. How should I do that? -
Sorry, in the sync it's in the Configuration tab
In the sync-> configuration tab -> settings .I have only two options:"Free output schema(name-based matching)" and "Maintain strict schema equality".There is still no "redispatch partitioning according to input columns"
In the sync-> configuration tab -> output, can you confirm the dataset is partitionned by something?
you should see that mentioned below the name of the dataset. -
Thanks. I finally made some progress. I'm able to do the partition.
Hello @n0thing233
, I'm in the same situation than you, and I'm really interrested about how did you do the partition in the sync recipe. Cound you please explain the steps to follow please ?Thank you very much in advance.