about the Python 3.6 environment setting in code envs

I am new to dataiku, currently using Anaconda3 for python 3 in MAC.
What's the best way to quickly set up my environment in dataiku, please advice.
I got the following error:
/Users/[username]/Library/DataScienceStudio/dss_home/bin/python failed (exit code: 3)
And I have tried to type in my bash_profile:
export PATH="/Users/zakkyang/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
PATH= “~/Library/DataScienceStudio/dss_home/bin/env-site.sh”
I also tried to put the following to env-site.sh
I'm not sure to understand everything you did.
On my side, on my Mac, I created a code env with an explicit path to the Python bin.
Please note that Dataiku DSS 5.1 is only compatible with Python versions 2.7, 3.5 and 3.6.
Hi I have done what you have suggested but when I open the LAB, it is still python2, why is that?
By default, projects/recipes/notebooks use the Dataiku DSS environment (so not your code env). You need to change the settings. Please have a look at this page: https://www.dataiku.com/learn/guide/code/misc/code-env.html