Create a SparkSQL Recipe With API

Registered Posts: 1 ✭
i try to create a sparsql recipe with the coderecipe createor. i saw in the library that only
"type in ["python", "r", "sql_script", "pyspark", "sparkr", "spark_scala", "shell"]:" are accepted,
i tried sql_builder = project.new_recipe("spark_sql_script", recipe_name)
i have the error that sql_builder is a none type.
Does anyone know if it is possible, and if yes what is the keyword? thanks
Best Answer
Sarina Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 318 Dataiker
Hi @selchheb
You can use the type spark_sql_query for spark sql recipes!
For example:from dataikuapi.dss.recipe import DSSRecipeCreator recipe_creator = DSSRecipeCreator("spark_sql_query", "test_recipe_creation", client.get_default_project()) recipe_creator.with_input("Orders") recipe_creator.with_output("output_dataset_that_exists")
As a hint if you run into this again, you can always use project.get_recipe() on an existing recipe (i.e. an existing Spark SQL recipe) and then get the recipe settings, which shows the type for the recipe.