Loading an image( stored in Folder) in a dashtable in webapps

Im trying to read a an image which is stored in one of the folder and i have to load it in my dash table. I'm able to display the image normally in the webapp but when i try to display it in the dash table it gives me a broken image.
Can someone please help me with this. Thank you
Here is how im calling the image.
#Reading imagefrom local folder (Im a non admin)
def get_image():
images= dataiku.Folder('folder name')
return json.dumps({'status':'ok','data':data.decode('utf-8')})
img1="<img src={image} />"
#Craeting a df with the images
names=pd.DataFrame(dict(['name',['name1','name2']), ('img',[img1,img1])]))
#App layout
{'id':'name','name':'name'}], markdown_options={'html':True},
Best Answer
That's strange, it seems to be an issue with the image you're using. I copied the base64 in your result, and it's not working for me either even though other images work. I guess Dash doesn't like your image for some reason.
I was able to get it to work with your image by using html.Table to manually create an HTML-formatted table:
import base64 import dataiku import pandas as pd from dash import html # Reading imagefrom local folder (Im a non admin) def get_image(): client = dataiku.api_client() project = client.get_default_project() images = dataiku.Folder("folder name") with images.get_download_stream("r.png") as file: image_data = file.read() data = base64.b64encode(image_data).decode("ascii") return f"data:image/png;base64,{data}" img1 = get_image() # Craeting a df with the images names = pd.DataFrame({"name": ["name1", "name2"], "img": [img1, img1]}) # Create the header and rows for the html.Table header = html.Tr([html.Th("img"), html.Th("name")]) rows = [ html.Tr([ html.Td(html.Img(src=row.img)), html.Td(row.name) ]) for row in names.itertuples() ] # App layout app.layout = html.Div(children=[ html.Table([header] + rows) ])
Like I mentioned in my last comment, be sure to replace : in get_image() with a literal colon (:). Otherwise it won't work.
Hi @amgum
,Per this Stack Overflow post, I was able to get it to work using the below code.
For reference, I'm using Dash v2.6.1.
import base64 import dataiku import pandas as pd from dash import dash_table, html # Reading imagefrom local folder (Im a non admin) def get_image(): client = dataiku.api_client() project = client.get_default_project() images = dataiku.Folder("folder name") with images.get_download_stream("r.png") as file: image_data = file.read() data = base64.b64encode(image_data).decode("ascii") return f"data:image/png;base64,{data}" image = get_image() img1 = f"<img src={image} />" # Craeting a df with the images names = pd.DataFrame({"name": ["name1", "name2"], "img": [img1, img1]}) # App layout app.layout = html.Div( children=[ dash_table.DataTable( data=names.to_dict("records"), columns=[ {"id": "img", "name": "img", "presentation": "markdown"}, {"id": "name", "name": "name"}, ], markdown_options={"html": True}, ) ] )
EDIT: The final format string in get_image() is supposed to have a literal colon in it instead of : but the formatting got messed up. See the Stack Overflow post for how it's supposed to look.
Hi Zach thank you for the reply. I tried your method and I'm actually getting the path of the image instead of the image itself.
Any suggestions why this is happening.
# Reading imagefrom local folder (Im a non admin)
def get_image():
client = dataiku.api_client()
project = client.get_default_project()
images = dataiku.Folder("folder")
with images.get_download_stream("image.png") as file:
image_data = file.read()
data = base64.b64encode(image_data).decode("ascii")
return f"data:image/png;base64,{data}"
image = get_image()
img1 = f"<img src={image} />"# Craeting a df with the images
names = pd.DataFrame({"name": ["name1", "name2"], "img": [img1, img1]})# App layout
app.layout = html.Div(
{"id": "img", "name": "img", "presentation": "markdown"},
{"id": "name", "name": "name"},
markdown_options={"html": True},
)Result looking like this
<img src= />