Public WebApp setup
I am following the documentation in order to make a webapp Public without any need of authentication.
I have two questions:
- After going to settings and use the PROJECTKEY, which extension should I use from these two : "webappid" or "webAppId" ?
- When the project key has been added, documentation says to use the below URL:
I am not able to locate "public-webapps" folder inside the DSS.
Additionally, I have the DSS_BASE_URL of my logged on system but then I am not able to put the correct URL on the browser. Can you please let me know with an example what to use for "PROJECT_KEY" and "WEBAPP_ID" of the URL that documentation recommends ?
Best Answer
Alexandru Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 1,248 Dataiker
The WebAppId can be replaced with the actual ID of the webapp. If you open the webapp from the project you wish to make public the information you are looking for will be in the URL you see in the browser :
So in my example, I would need to add WEB_APP_UPLOAD.ciRgI9H in the Settings - Public Webapps
2. Once added I can access the Webapp via the same URL I use for DSS including port e.g
You also have the option to add a vanity URL as suggested in the doc if you wish.
Let me know if you have any further issues,
Thanks @AlexT
, it worked fine ! -
Hello @AlexT
I couldn't get vanity URL to work with the below setting though I can access the webapp as a public webapp.
Can you help?
I have not been successful with it and wanted to know if you were able to get it.
No I am working with the public URLs without setting up the Vanity URL
Hello !
I'm trying to public a webapps, but i'm on a isolated network.
After i added the PROJECTID.webappid in the Login and Security section and go at my own url ( i just have an empty page with this : "Page not found [object Object] "I don't see why it don't work.