Webapp backend Bokeh or Shiny fails on Docker

Registered Posts: 2 ✭✭✭✭
I can't use Bokeh or Shiny webapp when DSS is running in Docker, the backend log shows the following, and hangs until it fails:
[FT-StartWaitThread-gzPzm1u5-234] [INFO] [dku.webapps.bokeh] - [ct: 2750] Get http://localhost:50890
[FT-StartWaitThread-gzPzm1u5-234] [INFO] [dku.webapps.backends] - [ct: 2755] Failed to contact webapp backend, wait...
I created a macvlan network interface and exposed all ports but it still doesn't work. Is there a specific Docker configuration to make it work?
No problem when running DSS natively on a Linux host, but I need Docker in this environment.
Thanks in advance
Best Answer
It works now, there's no specific network config to do actually. I just pulled the latest Docker image, did the DSS upgrade (https://doc.dataiku.com/dss/latest/installation/upgrade_instance.html), and that worked afterward!
Thanks for your help
Ok great! Thanks for letting us know. Have a good day!
I am running into the same problem. I am in Dataiku DSS 9.0.5