Disabling SQL validation on an automation node

Hi everyone,
We run many SQL jobs in our DSS server every day, I notice that jobs complete much faster with validation turned off, so I would like to turn it off on all my automation node jobs. I still wish to have validation on my design node, so that when updating and checking SQL jobs they are correctly validated.
My issue is that if I disable validation per job on the automation node, but leave it checked "on" in the design node, every time I deploy my project the validation will be reactivated in the automation node.
Is there a way to turn off SQL validation on an automation node only?
Best Answer
On SQL recipes, validation only happens if you click on the Run button from within the recipe edition UI. This is something quite atypical on an automation node, where it is more expected that it would mostly run scenarios. Can you confirm that you are running recipes directly from their edition UI, on the automation node?
Running the same recipes directly from the Flow would avoid the validation.
Hope this helps,
ben_p Neuron 2020, Registered, Neuron 2021, Neuron 2022, Dataiku Frontrunner Awards 2021 Participant Posts: 143 ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
Hi @Clément_Stenac
thanks for your reply, I am running all the SQL jobs in a scenario, if validation is already not happening then I guess there is nothing else to do - thank you!Ben