Commonly used R packages

VickeyC Registered Posts: 27 ✭✭✭✭

Is there a list of commonly-used R packages for code recipes that someone could share with me? We continue to get error messages regarding missing R packages, and it would me much easier if we could just install the ones most likely to be needed at one time.

Operating system used: Red Hat

Best Answer

  • Sergey
    Sergey Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS & SQL, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts, Registered Posts: 365 Dataiker
    edited July 2024 Answer ✓

    Hi @VickeyC

    I am quite surprised you got these missing library messages as by default when code env is created with base packages, all the required packages are automatically installed. The base ones:


    So the code env looks like this:

    Screenshot 2022-01-20 at 18.09.56.png

    The build-in R code env also includes them:


  • Sergey
    Sergey Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS & SQL, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts, Registered Posts: 365 Dataiker

    Hi @VickeyC

    It's a kinda wide topic to answer precisely. All the packages can be separated into groups based on their purpose. So it really depends on the task you are trying to accomplish with R recipes.

  • VickeyC
    VickeyC Registered Posts: 27 ✭✭✭✭

    I'm looking specifically for packages that are called directly from the dataiku package. So far we've received errors on missing 'rjsonio' and 'dplyr' packages that were raised in the dataiku package, so we'd just like to install all of the required dependencies at once if there are more.

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