Global variables list converted differently in Recipes

Im using global variable to get the list of country as below:
Global Variable
"var_country_dummy": [
Python call the variable
countryArray = dataiku.get_custom_variables(typed = True)["var_country_dummy"]
When i ran the script in jupyter Notebook, the list looks like this and this is what i want.
['malaysia', 'singapore']
When i save into recipes, then build the flow, the list looks like this (log):
'm' , 'a' , 'l' , 'a' , 'y' , 's' , 'i' , 'a' , ',' , 's' , ' i' , 'n' , 'g' , 'a' , 'p' , 'o' , 'r' , 'e'
Any idea how to fix this?
We do not reproduce this behavior. Could you please attach a screenshot of your variables screen, of your code, and of its output ?
This is Global Variable:
SourceCode in Notebook and recipes:
Output in Notebook:
Output in Recipes (log):
As you can see, same code will produce 2 different output in notebook and recipes.
Still no update here. But as per workaround, I just need to define the list in script itself, no need to use global variable.
Thanks for the details. We confirm that at the moment, there is a difference in behavior. We're looking into the best way to fix it going forward.
Thank you
Hi, is there any update for this? Thanks , Marija