Unable to install 3rd party python packages on Dataiku jupyter notebook
I just started exploring Dataiku and wanted to install `ipympl` on the jupyter notebook. But it is not working.
Seems, the notebook is using virtual environment `
I tried installing it like--
But you can see there is a permission error, so I tried --
Which also resulted in an error, I have experience on Jupyter notebook on IBM Watson studio but never faced issues like this, can anyone guide me on how to do that, I also did not find any good documentation, I tried to follow this doc but can't find where the DATA_DIR is since `! echo $DATA_DIR` gives null string. Regarding recommended method, I can't find the administration tab anywhere on the Dataiku portal. Please guide me in the right direction. Thanks.
Best Answer
Sergey Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS & SQL, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts Posts: 365 Dataiker
Dataiku Online indeed has no possibility to create code envs (no Administration tab). You will need to install DSS as VM locally to have that possibility.
Sergey Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS & SQL, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts Posts: 365 Dataiker
Hi @epsi95
Yes, by default Jupyter notebooks use built-in code env (DATA_DIR/pyenv). If you need to install python packages, the recommended way is to create a dedicated virtual code env and install packages there:
For the administration page click on the "apps" icon:
When you create a code env and install the required packages, you can change the kernel in the notebook to this new code env:
Hope you will find this information useful.
Hi @sergeyd
,Oh okay, thanks for the information. But I can't see the administration tab. I am using 14 days trial though.
CoreyS Dataiker Alumni, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts, Registered Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
Hi @epsi95
and welcome to the Dataiku Community. In addition to Sergey's solution (thank you for accepting it as a solution btw) here is a resource you may find helpful if you haven't accessed it already: Work With Python on Dataiku Online in our Knowledge Base.I hope this helps!