metastore error when trying to compute metrics on s3 dataset

NN Neuron, Registered, Neuron 2022, Neuron 2023 Posts: 145 Neuron

I have an S3 dataset and when i try to compute a metrics of "Column Statistics">>"Distinct Value Count" on a particular column, i get the following exception
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : Could not determine metastore database for dataset

Can someone help guide on how to resolve this.

Best Answer

  • fchataigner2
    fchataigner2 Dataiker Posts: 355 Dataiker
    Answer ✓


    you need to review the metastore integration settings on your S3 connection. Typically, it's either that you have selected Metastore synchronization but there is actually no Hive or Glue integration setup on DSS, or that you haven't set a fallback metastore DB.


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