metastore error when trying to compute metrics on s3 dataset
I have an S3 dataset and when i try to compute a metrics of "Column Statistics">>"Distinct Value Count" on a particular column, i get the following exception
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : Could not determine metastore database for dataset
Can someone help guide on how to resolve this.
Best Answer
you need to review the metastore integration settings on your S3 connection. Typically, it's either that you have selected Metastore synchronization but there is actually no Hive or Glue integration setup on DSS, or that you haven't set a fallback metastore DB.
Hi @fchataigner2
Thankyou what you said seems to be rightFallback metastore db seems to be null in my case
I would need to work with the admin to resolve this. -
you can also check the Settings > Connection tab of the dataset to check the metastore settings (and possibly deactivate them
I kept this blank. But still get the error. Even rebuilt my dataset and then when i go to checks and run record count it gives the same error.