Obtain 'non virtual' WebApp as result of a developed plugin

I have developped one WebApp plugin. It works well but after using it on a dataset, I have 2 problems :
- In Action Menu, I haven't the possibility to publish the result on a dashboard
2. The result of webapp seems not to be save in WebApp Part and be only temporary
Thanks for your help to solve these problems !
Best Answer
Glad to have better grasped your problem, sorry for the earlier misunderstanding.
Once you have removed the roles array in your .json, your webapp becomes available as a Visual webapp from your project's webapp page.
You can create instances of your plugin webapp by clicking on the Visual webapp option and then selecting your plugin in the next modal. There you will have pretty much the same interface as before - you can set your dataset in the Settings tab and launch the webapp by clicking on the Save & view button.
This time however you will be in a "real" webapp, so it will remain in the webapp page of your project and be publishable onto dashboards from the right panel - as I was showing you in my first message.
Tell me if you have any remaining questions, or if I was not clear!
Hi Clémence!
1. You should be able to publish your webapp to a dashboard via the Actions tab in the right panel menu of your webapp:
2. I am not sure to understand your second question. What do you mean by "WebApp Part"?
CGB Partner, L2 Designer, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 17 Partner
Thanks for your answer @AgatheG
!However, I think I misspoke my problem ...
So, I will try to reexplain :
- On one dataset in my flow, I choose my webapp plugin (that I developped just before) in actions menu.
- After that, I have some inputs to inform
- Then I click on "Save and view webapp"
- I obtain my webapp result but on action menu, i have only the first 4 choices (Edit, Save Edit, Start, Log) and if I move to WebApp section, my result wasn't present.
I hope it's clearer now
Oh wow I am so sorry, I have completely missed your use case
My bad. Webapps created from the flow are "virtual", and so cannot be persisted in the webapps page of your project / cannot be published onto dashboards.
If you want to have a non-virtual webapp, you should ensure the roles array in the webapps.json file of the concerned webapp is empty (or not even have the field defined in the json first place).
Hope this helps (more!)
CGB Partner, L2 Designer, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 17 Partner
Thanks @AgatheG
, it's effectively more helpful !This notion of "virtual" webapp it's exactely my problems.
I try to delete the roles array in my webapp.json but when I do this, my webapp is no longer available in actions menu for my dataset (it's quite logical because it's the goal of roles array).
So I imagine that there is a parameter that I can add/modify on webapp.json to have an non virtual result but I didn't find any information on that in docs. Have you some links to advise me ?
You are welcome, glad I could be of help!
Make sure to have the "Email me when someone replies" checkbox ticked, as I do not believe it is the default behavior. If this was not your issue, I truly hope the problem was just a temporary one!