Exporting JupyterNotebook to email using Scenario Steps "Send Message"

I am trying to export Jupyter Notebook and want to send it to email using DataIku Scenarios by adding Step “Send Message” using outlook mail client. Within Jupyter Notebook, I have a code that hides all code cells and only displays each code cell output when I want to export the Notebook. However, when I am trying to send that exported notebook in mail, it displays code cells as well. I have also tried “Create New Export” while sending a message (using Inline Freemaker variable $notebookHtml) in a step, but it is throwing this error.
Has anyone tried exporting Notebook in Mail using Inline Freemaker which can only show output and not code ?Any help would be appreciated. Thank you so much.
Hello nidhi_patel_rbc,
To use notebook export result into freemarker template, you should type ${notebookHtml} into the field (see screenshot attached).Also note that as an alternative, you can include your notebook export into a dashboard and there only the output of the notebook execution will be displayed. Then you can send it as mail attachement using dashboard export.