Custom Code Metric

rmoore Partner, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2022, Frontrunner 2022 Finalist, Frontrunner 2022 Participant, Neuron 2023 Posts: 33 Neuron
edited July 2024 in Using Dataiku

I'm attempting to make the best use of the "Custom Code" option for hyperparameter optimization and have a few questions. For reference, here are the comments on how to write the custom function:

# - y_pred is a numpy ndarray with shape:
# - (nb_records,) for regression problems and classification problems
# where 'needs probas' (see below) is false
# (for classification, the values are the numeric class indexes)
# - (nb_records, nb_classes) for classification problems where 'needs probas' is true
  • No real issues when "needs_probas" is false. By appending y_pred as a column to X_valid, I'm able to see which rows were predicted as "True" for my binary classification problem (for a given threshold)

With "needs_probas" set to true, I run into some problems.

  • It appears that the shape of y_pred is different depending on whether the model is training or scoring. Here's the code I've implemented that seems to solve the problem (again for a binary classification problem). I'm wondering if this should be necessary or if I'm missing something?
 if len(np.shape(y_pred)) == 2:
        # scoring the model
        ds['probas'] = y_pred[:,1]
        # training the model
        ds['probas'] = y_pred[0:]
  • With "needs_probas" false, the scoring seems to be dependent on the threshold (a row's prediction will be "true" when the proba is above a threshold) and with "needs_probas" false, it appears that the threshold is not provided to the scoring function. Is this correct and expected or am I missing something? Maybe the "needs_threshold" property just isn't implemented in DSS for binary classifications? (

Best Answer

  • fchataigner2
    fchataigner2 Dataiker Posts: 355 Dataiker
    Answer ✓


    you stumbled indeed on a not-so-nice behavior of the custom scoring handling, which passes the full output of predict_probas when doing the final scoring, and only the second column (the positive case) when doing hyperparameter search and k-fold. Your solution is essentially the best one can come up with.

    You needn't worry about the threshold, as it is computed after scoring with your code: DSS will try different threshold values and call your scoring code with a single-column corresponding to the positive case.


  • MehdiH
    MehdiH Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts Posts: 21 Dataiker

    Hi @rmoore

    This has been fixed in release 8.0.2 :

    More precisely, the custom metric function can now correctly assume a y_pred shape of (N, 2) in the case of binary classification with needs_proba == True, when performing a hyperparameters search


  • elnurmdov
    elnurmdov Registered Posts: 5 ✭✭✭
    edited July 2024

    Hello, I am trying to create customer metrics to return precision score for first 100 predictions. Code is below:

    File "<string>", line 23, in score
    IndexError: too many indices for array

    I am getting following error:

    import pandas as pd
    from sklearn.metrics import precision_score
    def score(y_valid, y_pred):
        Custom scoring function.
        Must return a float quantifying the estimator prediction quality.
          - y_valid is a pandas Series
          - y_pred is a numpy ndarray with shape:
               - (nb_records,) for regression problems and classification problems
                 where 'needs probas' (see below) is false
                 (for classification, the values are the numeric class indexes)
               - (nb_records, nb_classes) for classification problems where
                 'needs probas' is true
          - [optional] X_valid is a dataframe with shape (nb_records, nb_input_features)
          - [optional] sample_weight is a numpy ndarray with shape (nb_records,)
                       NB: this option requires a variable set as "Sample weights"
        scoring = pd.DataFrame()
        scoring['actual'] = y_valid 
        scoring['probability'] = y_pred[:, 1]
        scoring = scoring.sort_values(by = 'probability', ascending = False)
        top_100 = scoring.iloc[:100]
        pr_score = precision_score(top_100['actual'], top_100['probability'])
        return pr_score

  • elnurmdov
    elnurmdov Registered Posts: 5 ✭✭✭

    Hello, where you pass needs_proba parameter?

  • Chelsea
    Chelsea Registered Posts: 1

    Hi, from contacting Dataiku I have found that this feature will be available within Dataiku 11.

  • elnurmdov
    elnurmdov Registered Posts: 5 ✭✭✭

    Hello,, it seems that DataIku 11 is already released. Correct me if I am mistaken

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